Sunday, March 11, 2007


If God wills.
What a simple word. Did you know that there is no word in the English language that covers this?
It's hard to let go and let God's will be what it is.
I am pro choice. I mean that across the board. We all have choices we make in faith, morales, lifestyles, whatever. Who am I to tell you otherwise? Who are you to tell me? We do not live in glass houses. We are mere mortals that have no right to put our THANG onto others.
I don't care if you pray to a tree. I don't care if you pray to Allah, or God, or Buddha. You have that choice in my world.
Inshallah. I am chewing on that word. I am thinking about the future. I am thinking about the peace that word brings to me. Maybe it will bring you some too...

Peace Out

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