Monday, April 20, 2009

When Do You Feel Like a Good Parent?

When is the time you think to yourself....I AM A GOOD PARENT?
Is it when all the laundry is done?
Is it when your kid gets good grades or uses good manners?
Parenting is so complicated. There's so many trial and errors. So many tears and smiles. Sometimes I honestly feel like an impostor trying to act like a mom. Who thought it would be a good idea for me to raise children?
Sometimes I am not a good mom, but I am a fun mom.
Sometimes I am not a nice mom, but I am a good mom.
It's a balancing act everyday.
I love my children more than air. I hope everyday with all my heart that I do right by them.

Peace Out

1 comment:

Dorcas Anna Warren said...

And, I know you will. xoxo~Cooch.