Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My New Job

I just realized today that I have a new job. It's called being the mother of a kindergartener. Yup, it's a full time job.
The pay is not that great and I work about 25 hours a day.
You see, I don't like to be booked up and scheduled too much. The pinch is, I am, now that Elliot has started big girl school. Some of it is self imposed and some is having 2 kids. I have a dear friend that has been busy since the day I met her. She never seems to tire or complain. I on the other hand do nothing but bitch and moan. She says I have a sense of entitlement, and I do. I am entitled to complain about being busy.
I constantly feel like I am forgetting something. If you have ever heard of chemo brain...I have it!
I can't remember things and words and sometimes the names of my children. I do not kid here. I seriously can't remember anything!!!!!!!!!
I know that there a folks in the world that would line up for my problems. I have a good life. Just right now, I feel as though I am falling down a deep deep abyss.
On top of it all, a lady at the grocery store today asked me if Wyatt was my grand daughter. Do I look that freakin' fried?
Perhaps so. I need a raise and more comp time...

Peace Out


Frances D said...

Oh my do I remember kindergarten.
My daughter did not attend pre-k or nursery school, so that was a big day for me.
I still see myself looking like a sad sack on the school steps.
I am sure the memory thing is just temporary.
School adds a whole new roster of activities to already busy lives.
Sending good vibes your way.
Waving at you from New York,

qualcosa di bello said...

it seems as thought the older one's children are, the busier mom is...maybe because they are branching out.

it is very hard when they do those milestones that mean they move closer to their own independence...& away from us. i could not stop crying when we arrived home after leaving our oldest at college the first time.

"chemo brain" BFF L. would be mid sentence & the concept would just desert her...she always referred to it as "chemo brain"!