Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Space In Between

I went to "cancer club" last night. I love the gals there. We even went and had a drink afterwards. my goodness it was fun. My tummy hurts from all the laughing.
Someone was there at group last night that I had never met. She's been struggling with breast cancer since her senior year in college back in 1997. She did not look healthy. She did not look well. She's very very sick. She has been doing some form of chemo for the last 10 years. She will be on chemo for the rest of her life...however long that is.
We all spoke of living in the space between. Cancer patients don't like the gray areas. We can deal with black and white. Good and bad. But not, maybe and sometimes. Cancer can feel like the space between.
What is cancer anyways? Does it have gender? I think of cancer as male. I do not wish to share a drink or a meal with cancer. Cancer doesn't have my well being in mind.
Here's the good part, if cancer kills me, it kills itself. I am merely a host to the asshole who has taken up residence in my body. It's gone when I'm gone and that's one less muther fucking cancer in the world. Unless of course...

I kill him first.

Peace Out

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