Monday, April 16, 2012

My Mom Thinks I'm Special

Every one wants to feel special. We all want that good feeling. Sometimes its little things. Sometimes its big things.
We love that warm fuzzy feeling. Then when its taken away, when we find out we are just a part of herd, it hurts. Like a pinch under your arm.
A really fuckin hard pinch.
A blow to the ego. I will be completely frank and honest here..I was feelin special. Just so very loverly. And then I realized....umph....I'm neither more or less than the next person. I just am. I hate that rug pulled out from under me feeling.
So I'm feelin a little tender dearest reader. A little bruised. Falling back to earth with a resounding thud.
I want to sit in the corner and lick my wounds. I want my specialness back.

Peace Out

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