Saturday, December 09, 2006

Visualize Whirled Peas

Yesterday was my last AC!!!!!!!!!! we have hit the half way mark. I keep hearing the next part has it's own set of problems yet much easier. I have to believe that, because this has been difficult.
We did things a bit differently and I was pretty loaded up on some new stuff and it worked like a charm. I got some sleep, or should I say passed out. My friend Jacqueline was with me and we had some really good conversations and some laughs too.
My chemo fairies dropped me off another gift before I left. Hugs to you both J and A for adding that to the routine. It means a lot just as you two do. Thank you!
Hey, ANOTHER big shout out to Holly and Lynne who sent me a load of organic veggies and fruit. Yum! Thank you so much. It's all being used and makes me feel so healthy. Thank you both so much!
So we're gettin through the weekend. Jacq and I are heading to a wig shop ;)

As for my last blog, I was pissed that someone had the nerve to tell me how angry I get, when for not one day of my life have they walked in my shoes. I abhor judgment and hypocrisy to the nth degree. I may have anger towards you, but that has a deep and full history. That's the anger you might know about me. I have a blog, and if you comment to this blog for the reading audience, and then sign it anonymously, I will call it out. This blog is a public forum. Keep that in mind

DO NOT READ ANGER HERE. Read blunt force honesty that may not be to your liking. Don't care, too bad.

Peace Out

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are one BAD ASS Mama !!! I love your Blog Maria! I appreciate your honesty, way to keep it real!
You do a really great job at articulating what you are feeling. It has to help in your healing, what a great outlet!
