Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Day 7

How do you discipline your children?
Are you a spanker? yeller? time outer?
I have done all three in my time as a mom. Not so much spanking but I won't pretend I haven't swatted a bum here and there. Time out was huge from about 2 years old and on. Yelling is my first reaction when it's 2 minutes till the bus and no one has their shoes on. That makes me completely insane!!!!!!
I generally have three rules at the house:
Be kind
Be Respectful

As far as I am concerned those three cover everything. If you are doing one of them you are doing all of them. If you are doing all of them you are doing at least one of them (if not all)
I won't allow children to speak to adults as equals. I don't believe children can demand things and order parents around.
Oh don't get me started on whining. I. HATE. WHINING.
Whining will never get what you want in my house. It will however get you in time out.
As my girls get older, I expect more from them. I want them to go out into the world and be well mannered and kind. I want to them to be successful in whatever they do. I hope they get to do what they love. I hope they have love and laughter where ever they go.
For right now my job is to guide them. Bring out them best of what is already inside of them.
My job is to love them. And I do...more than air.

Peace Out

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