Happy Mother's Day!
This day gives me pause to think about what it means to me and how I want to spend my day.
I read one time, 60% of moms would like time alone for Mother's Day. Pretty ironic huh? The day to celebrate giving birth, most mother's want to spend the day without their children. We are tired and worn down with constant requests. Could anyone ever of told us how hard this would be? Could they have told us this would be the HARDEST job we'll ever have?
Yet with all that being said, I cannot think of spending this day without my girls. They do not yet know the commercial side of this day. Nor do they really know that today of ALL DAYS, is NOT the day to be naughty.
My perfect Mother's Day? Being with my family, but without the responsibility. To enjoy the laughter and family time, just not the work. For one day I don't want to be the primary care giver. I don't want to worry about feedings or arguments. I don't want to bathe and dress everyone. I want to sit and watch the work be done while I actually get to enjoy the day, rather than directing traffic.
I want to be the fun parent. I want to be the one that lets things slide. I want to be the one that is all about candy and wearing whatever you want and not brushing teeth.
I love my girls more than air. I see the future in their eyes. I see hope and love and joy when I look at them. They are funny and with out filters. They have no prejudices. They are loving and kind.
Being their mommy is my honor and privilege.
For one day I would like to not be The Human Napkin.
Peace Out
1 comment:
Thata rmeinds me of the hilarious quote from the hilarious book And God Created the Au Pair, about how to explain what you "do" to someone at a dinner party. The book is written in e-mail form, hence the lack of grammar:
"[I] esp. love the part when you sit down and bloke next to you asks what you DO and then have to admit to being housewife so spend most of day driving to buy/collect food/children, loading food/chhildren into car, cooking (food), serving (to children) and then scraping it (food)uneaten into bin, should have just left everything at the supermarket (food and chiuldren)& in between that, just general wiping."
Next time someone asks what I do, I am going to try your "human napkin" title. It says so much.
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