I have this friend who I will call Mona in this partic blog, to keep her identity safe.
I have known Mona since I was 23 years old. She is awesome. I don't see her or talk to her nearly enough, but when I do we never miss a beat. She makes me laugh so hard I get a stomach ache!
In our wild 20's we were part of a small group of people who thought our shit did. not. stink. And you know what? Mine may stink now, but it didn't back then.
We were wild. We didn't care who thought what. We did whatever we wanted. We wore whatever we wanted. We danced, drank, and said, whatever we pleased. It was good to be us. The best part was, we had real jobs that afforded us this lifestyle.
There was a brief time we lived together.
There was a great story about her drunk boyfriend peeing on her back while in a stooper.
There was broken hearts.
And then we grew up. Our small tribe did not stick together. Yet, Mona and I have always been a phone call away.
Mona lost a baby in the very late stages of a pregnancy. My phone rang at 9:00 on a Sunday morning. Not exactly a time I would be talking to her. She called to tell me of her heartbreak and we cried.
I called her when I had my second round of breast cancer. She said what can I do? I asked her to come to a chemo with me. And she did after rearranging her entire life, to fly up here to Seattle and sit with me. She was with me when I bought my first wig.
Then when I decided to do my first 3 day breast cancer walk, who do you think walked beside me? Yup, Mona.
These days Mona has a HILARIOUS little boy. She's married. She's still funny as shit. That girl can make me laugh. She is bold and true. She has loved me with out condition for 20 years. I always forget her birthday and still, she loves me.
I love you Mona. I am a lucky girl to have you in my life.
The heart remembers.
Peace Out