Monday, October 19, 2009


If you think you know me the least little bit or a lot, you know why this picture gives me the greatest of joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shockerkahn, I'm in lurve wichyou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peace Out

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Sometimes I get so tired,
Just trying to find a place,
To lay my head,
I look up to the sky,
I feel the warmest light comfort me,
I've seen the great heights,
Reminding me... that I'm alive,
I don't wanna die,
I don't wanna waste another day,
Or night,
I know there's something more,
Than what we're living for,
I see it in the stars,
I feel it on the shores,
I know there's something,
I know there's something more.
I think we're all afraid,
That we might be alone,
Alone down here,
We all want to have some faith,
At least that's true in my case,
To just believe,
I've seen the great height,
Reminding me... that I'm alive,
I don't wanna die,
I don't wanna waste another day,
Or night,
I know there's something more,
Than what we're living for,
I see it in the stars,
I feel it on the shore,
I know there's something,
This world may crumble,
Into the ocean,
It could all end tonight,
I undermined you,
Then tried to find you,
My only source of light,
There breathing,
I am alive,
I am,
I don't wanna die,
I don't wanna waste another day or night,
I know there's something more,
Than what we're living for,
I see it in the stars,
I feel it on the shore,
I know that I'm alive,
I don't wanna die,
I don't wanna waste another day,
Or night,
I know there's something more,
Than what we're living for,
I see it in the stars,
I feel it on the shore,
I know there's something more.

-tyrone wells

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Little Pumkin

Wyatt and I at the pumpkin patch.
I could nibble on this little honey all day long!
We made it through the impending weather and picked out some awesome pumpkins to bring home. We jumped in a hay maze and rode the train. A perfect fall day with my perfect date.


Happy Anniversary

Today my friend Patty and I took our kiddos on the annual pumpkin patch field trip that we have done every year for the last six years.

We met in the fall of 2003 at a community center play area. You know the kind, where zombie eyed moms go as soon as they can every weekday morning cuz there is no where else to go until nap time. Our oldest girls were playing together and we struck up the boring conversation of, how old is your child? does she sleep through the night? how horrible was your labor? blah blah blah...
We exchanged numbers and went on our merry ways.
Then, she actually called me! We decided to go to a pumpkin patch with one year olds in tow. And so it began...
I do not really like to be around other moms. If you know me, you know how true this is. I don't really talk to folks at pre school or at elementary pick up. Not because I am shy, because I don't want to. Patty covers this territory for me. While in the background I make snarky remarks about the other moms.
So we like to say that we have been dating for six years this month.
Patty knew me post 1st cancer and pre 2nd cancer. We have had laughs and tears. We were pregnant at the same time with our second children. As in any relationship, we have had trying times. Quiet times. Good times. Loud times. Thick and thin. I am talking about our waist lines here.
We love to eat Mexican food and read. She has huge boobs I have none. She's tall, I am short. She's skinny, I am....thick.
We've seen joy and heartache. Terrible terrible heartache.
So Happy Anniversary lady! I gots you on my mind!

Peace Out